Saturday, August 23, 2014

New Black Pumps!

Hello! Hope your day is going amazing and if not, keep your head up and push forward!

Today in the life,
I took my sis to the mall to shop for a b-day gift and an outfit for a concert coming up. We scoured almost every clothing store searching for the perfect outfit. While we looked around I found the cutest black pumps that would be perfect for career day we are having at school.  So of course I had to purchase them.

*Side note: found the black pumps at Forever 21 for only $20*

In a few weeks, career day will be upon us. Approximately 300 engineering companies attend! It's massive and putting your best foot forward is a must. Everyone is in straight competition to get the job. So finding the perfect outfit, that not only presents you in a professional manner but also your style, is key. In my opinion you can see a lot about a person by what they wear.

Anyway, I was unable to find a good power suit, so I will have to go shopping again, but we were able to find all the peices to my sister's outfit for the concert so I'll take that as a win!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Background On...Well...Me!

Hey there,
My name is Crystal and this blog is all about a day in the life of me. I'm just a regular gal, no celebrity status here, but I have been blessed with an exciting and busy life. My son will soon be 8yrs old (Plot twist #1 my fiancĂ© and I were both16yrs old when I gave birth to our beautiful boy). Can you sense the drama we encountered? Being sophmores in high school, scared to become parents, scared to inform our parents with the news (Plot twist #2 my son has been the best gift in my life). 

So there I was, pregnant at 16 and deciding what the best course of action was in order to move forward. Thinking back, this was a critical moment/decision in my life. I held my head up and told myself I wouldn't be another statistic of a young girl getting pregnant and ruining her life. I decided in this moment that I would fight as hard as I could to be successful and take care of my child, not only financially but by being an amazing mom. In order to do this, I knew I needed to finish high school. 

I have always enjoyed learning and up to that point in my life I was in a very good position academically. Therfore, continuing school was a must. I decided to talk to my counselor (for the second time throughout my high school career) and I asked him if I could take online classes in the summer in order to complete the classload I would have had in my first semester of junior year. This way I could stay at home during my last trimester of pregnancy and not fall behind on my coursework. He loved the idea and we set it all up. Throughout that summer I contacted my counselor a few times to take my exams and one day he mentioned that he attended Colorado School of Mines and that I should think about applying there for college. He stated he was unable to complete the degree but with my background in science and math I should check it out. I had never heard of it before. But long story short I applied there and got in! I am currently a senior in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering! Super excited to have only a year left! :) 

Thanks for reading. More interesting stories to come!